Tanya Reinhart The Hebrew daily 'Yediot Axaronot' 23.3.00. (Notes added for Z-net commentaries.) APARTHEID WON'T BE HERE. By Tanya Reinhart Hundred and twenty Palestinian intellectuals issued a message addressed to the Israeli and Jewish public. "The majority of Palestinians, including the undersigned, believed that the time was ripe for concluding with the Israelis a historic agreement", they open, but instead, "the historic settlement is becoming a settlement between Israelis themselves, not a settlement with the Palestinians". That's because at the present, the balance of power is in Israel's favor. "It is clear that the Palestinian negotiator, whose hands are tied by the overwhelming balance of power working against him, may be coerced into accepting a humiliating and degrading settlement." In an interview to Amira hass in Haaretz (13.3.00) some of the signers add that we, the Israelis, always believe that we are omnipotent. That's precisely how we felt at the eve of the Yom Kippur war in 1973. But if we go on making ourself hated by the whole region, at the end we will remain five million heroes against more than too hundred million Arabs. Our proportions in the Arab world are similar to those of the white in South Africa. Now it may seem to us possible to establish here an Apartheid regime and imprison the Palestinians in their fenced "states". But in the long run, our options are precisely as there: join the region in peace, or perish. The Palestinian intellectuals offer us the option that the black left has offered to the whites in South Africa - join. "We extend our hand to you to make a real and just peace, not the militarist peace of coercion, the generals peace". There are just two roads leading to peace: A Palestinian states in the borders of 1967, whose capital is Jerusalem, or the road taken in South Africa - a democratic state shared by both nations. A third road does not exist. "the settlement the Israeli leadership is seeking to impose on the Palestinian negotiator could not be a settlement with the Palestinian people... We will neither support nor accept it" The writers of these words will be labelled here 'our enemies', because they reject our peace proposals. Our columnists explain daily that the art of negotiations requires toughness. So it is obvious and natural that we should try to squeeze out of the Palestinian empire as many concessions as we can. And squeezing has no limits. In 1995's Beilin-Abu Maazen plan for the final settlement, it was agreed that Arafat will renounce, on behalf of the Palestinians, any claim on Jerusalem, and the Palestinian institutions will move to the village Abu-Dis, bordering with Jerusalem. In return, Arafat will be allowed to call Abu-Dis the capital of the Palestinian state. When Arafat declares he will never give up on Al-Kuds (Jerusalem), he means Abu-dis (1). Already since 1998, he was led to believe that Abu-Dis will be declared 'zone A' (Palestinian self-administration), in the nearest "withdrawal". But for Barak, this is not enough. Abu-Dis was not included in the last package. Now he demands that first Arafat will agree that Israel will annex officially all areas of Israeli settlements surrounding Jerusalem, and then, maybe, he will get Abu-Dis, and declare from there the formation of the state of the Palestinian ghettoes (2). Same thing with Syria. For years it has been clear that as long as we do not give up the Golan Heights and make peace with Syria, there will be no quiet in the north. But behind the eyewash concerning Israel's readiness to concessions, the only official document - the Shepherdstown document - clarifies that Israel does not agree to evacuate the Golan settlements, or allow Syrian sovereignty of any area in the Golan (3). It appears that Barak seeks to impose on Asad the same kind of "peace" he offers Arafat. And if Asad refuses, this means he does not really want peace, and the Israeli army stands ready for the battle. Barak is the most dangerous prime minister in the history of Israel. Already in 1982 he proposed to extend the Lebanon war to a total war on Syria. Then he explained (in a memorandum to Sharon) that the best way to do that is without sharing the plans with the government. Today he is consulting only with the heads of the army and the security services. Never had the army as much grip on Israeli politics, as in the times of Barak. According to an extensive poll reported in 'Yediot' (March 10, 00), 60% of the Jewish Israelis are willing ot return all of the Golan Height and evacuate all settlements for peace with Syria. A similar percentage supported in the polls evacuation of settlements in the West Bank. But this majority has no voice, since we do not have intellectuals of the magnitude of the Palestinian intellectuals. Faced with the apartheid regime established in the West Bank and Gaza, our intellectuals are still thrilled and moved by "the historical compromise" we brought about with the Palestinians. As for Syria, what can we do, given that Asad has not yet managed to prove that he really, but really, loves Amos Oz (4). ======= Notes (1) E.g. in 'Haaretz' 5.5.98 (Akiva Eldar) it is reported that "Yaser Arafat accepts the idea that the capital of the Palestinian state will be Abu-dis, neighboring Jerusalem, and sees the understandings included in Beilin-Abu maazen agreement as a realistic option for the final agreement with Israel". "In a meeting with the Middle East section of the foreign affairs council whose center is in New-York... Arafat was asked if it is possible to reach an agreement with Israel also on the question of Jerusalem. Arafat: 'Certainly, it is possible to accept the idea of Abu-Dis, which belonged to Al-Kuds also under Jordanian rule" (2) Haaretz, March 10, 00. Headline: "Barak offers Arafat: A state in return to annexation of 10% of the West Bank"; Text: Barak offers "a limited agreement by which Israel will recognize a Palestinian state declared in parts of the West Bank and Gaza. In return, Israel will annex 10% of the West Bank... (mainly the settlements surrounding Jerusalem...)". "Barak assumes that if future negotiations will be carried out between two sovereign states, the likelihood that they will be accompanied by violent activity will be reduced." (3) The full draft of the Shepherdstown document, leaked out by the Israeli government, appeared in 'haaretz' and 'yediot' on 13.1.00. More details can be found in Reinhart's "This ain't the road of peace", January 16, ZNet (http://www.zmag.org). (4) In an interview in Haaretz' weekend magazine (17.3.00), Amos Oz explains that Asad shows no sensitivity to Israeli emotions - to "our sense of isolation and humiliation". "Asad is doing his best to humiliate us, as if it is not the Golan he wants, but that Barak will go out to him wearing underwear, with his hands up.." Hence Oz declares that although he is in principle for peace with Syria, he will not support it now. Tanya Reinhart, 'Yediot', Mar 30 , 2000 MAKING PEACE WOULD MAKE MUCH MORE SENSE By Tanya Reinhart So nothing is going to come out of this peace. Only three months ago it looked so feasible: to bring the soldiers back home, to stop renovating shelters in the Galilee, to forget about the northern border, and afterwards, peace like with Egypt - including, if you wish, visiting the unseen Syrian landscapes. But that's not what will happen. There are two narratives about what happened in the Clinton-Assad summit in Geneva. Ours - the only one heard in Israel (and on CNN) - is that Assad just doesn't want peace. "The masks have been unveiled", said Barak, "the Syrian position is not ripe for the decisions which are necessary in order to reach a peace treaty". Assad is insisting on those 500 meters in order to humiliate us and derail the process. The second narrative can be witnessed in Robert Fisk's report in the British "Independent": "The two men held three hours of talks, through interpreters, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva, with the Syrian leader patiently explaining he was not going to fall into the same 'peace' trap as the Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat. He will not make peace with Israel before guaranteeing the return of all of the occupied Golan, captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war. Mr Arafat signed a peace settlement then failed to gain a majority of the occupied West Bank or a capital in Jerusalem." In this narrative, the dispute is not over the 500 meters at all ("it was conveyed on behalf of Assad that he is willing to compromise on the withdrawal line, and even to full Israeli control over the whole of the Kineret coast, while continuing to negotiate water rights"). The dispute is over the model of the peace. There are two models in our history: in the Egyptian model, all stages of the withdrawal and guarantees were finalized before the treaty was signed (the later discussions concerned the autonomy for the Palestinians). The withdrawal was set to spread over three years, and only after 2/3 of Sinai was evacuated, embassies were set up. The Taba issue remained. Both sides held it precious, and the Israelis used to spend their vacations on its shores. That's why the decision regarding it was left for the end. In the Arafat model, the Oslo agreement was signed with almost nothing agreed upon, besides Israeli declarations of principle about willingness for a withdrawal. Seven years later, it turns out that the Palestinians have halted the Intifadah, but Arafat didn't get anything of what was promised to him in the west bank. What was realized was the autonomy plan which the Palestinians always rejected. Assad is saying that he will agree to a Sadat style peace, and not to an Arafat style one. Barak is demanding that he will first sign, open embassies and fight the Hizbollah. And then, if we will be satisfied, we will withdraw. This is the Arafat model. Barak does not agree to the Sadat model. So there is no peace. But without peace, Lebanon is the Israeli Vietnam, and life in the northern towns is hell. But it's ok, there is an answer: 'unilateral withdrawal'. The US is threatening Syria that it is supporting this plan, and has already begun to pressure Arab leaders to support it as well. It is a little hard to understand why one needs to threaten anyone to agree to an Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon - what everybody in the region has been demanding all along. But "unilateral withdrawal" is the code name for a plan which Sharon has already proposed three years ago: we will withdraw unilaterally while creating some kind of provocation (such as, not fully withdraw) and then, with the first missile, we will go on a total war. The world will be on our side, because we have withdrawn. Since our soldiers are no longer there, it would now be possible to burn the earth from the air. Barak and others have mentioned this "Kosovo plan" several times. This is what is being prepared in the north. And if it will prove necessary, "we will also attack Syrian targets". Barak and Sharon are counting on the fact that Assad is currently weak, and his army is not what it used to be. So this time there will be no missiles and no sealed rooms. Maybe they are right, but who wants to check? And if they will succeed this time, how long will it last? Making peace by the Sadat model would make much more sense. There is still time to stop this summer's war.