October 24, 1999
Pumpkin Carving
10:05 Meeting is called to order
- Announcements
- Hands Against Violence had a good turnout
- Decorate
floors by Tuesday 9PM to be judged
then come help decorate the lobby
- Movie Night this Saturday from 10PM-6AM
- Easter
Seals are selling ghost grams buy them this week and they
will be delivered to your
friends on Friday
- Rivermen
game Friday, talk to Jen Feucht of Michele Sucato if
you're looking for a ride.
- Rollin in
the Hay -SOLD OUT- Keep an eye on your e-mails some
changes may occur
- Let's Chat, Monday 5PM SC Ballroom
- Oct 28 All-hall halloween dance in the Geisert Cafeteria at 9PM
- Trick-or-Treaters
will come around from 4-5PM on Wednesday, see
RA for the posting on your door
to participate
- Current Balance: $2104.98
- Toydrive coming up
- New Food:
Supreme Pizzas
Grab and Go
Hot Cocoa
points: Geisert 30, Heitz 27, Harper 22, Williams 3,
- Date Rape Discussion Alumni Dining room Thursday 7PM
- Attendance in People
- 2nd floor = 2/43
- 3rd floor = 0/42
- 4th floor = 6/43
- 5th floor = 7/37
- 6th floor = 5/42
- 7th floor = 12/41
- 8th floor = 0/43
- 9th floor = 3/40
- 10th floor = 9/37
Meeting Adjourned 10:25