[Update: nobody is currently in charge of the #PsiPhi channel]
We have a channel on IRC, #PsiPhi, that has one or more Psi Phi people leading the group. This will be intermittent, but we will try to get a scheduled time for #PsiPhi to be active. Several people have already stopped by!
#PsiPhi had a "bot", PsiCop, who kept the channel active even when SpaceMan and ChiefOps weren't on. PsiCop was not always active, so if you stop by #PsiPhi, he might not be there. Thanks to Joel, munos@starbase.neosoft.com, for setting up PsiCop for us!
We now have links to publicly
telnettable IRC sites! The University of Oklahoma's Engineering
Computer Network (ecn.uoknor.edu) has several sites:
cougar [down?],
tiger, and
wildcat, all on
port 6677.
The people who have stopped by so far include:
Nickname Real Name address@machine.site.edu ---------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------- ANAGNO Kostas Anagnostopoulos anagno@holmes.rz-berlin.mpg.de [Bum] Joel ? munos@starbase.neosoft.com ChiefOps David Henderson davidh@camelot.bradley.edu Ix Paul Mulka [Ford beblbrox@lydia.bradley.edu Prefect] Kyle Roy Kyle Clabaugh rkc0004@jove.acs.unt.edu Lamb Katherine L. Frieden kfrieden@muselab-gw.runet.edu NALA Amanda Alicia Hill ahill@muselab-gw.runet.edu Nomad Robert Lane shadow@cascade.cascade.net RedBug ? ?@? SpaceMan Paul Schrenker pauliwog@camelot.bradley.edu Weirdal Robert Ray weirdal@camelot.bradley.edu XTC Lincoln WHOA@ppp*.modems.uoknor.edu Yoric Curtis R. Kuebel kuebler@g310b12.nextwork.rose-hulman.eduLast updated on .