The Psi Phi Federation

High Council

The High Council is the ruling body of the Psi Phi Federation. Section III of the Federation Charter includes more information about the High Council.

Universal President

Psi Phi's current Universal President is Paul Mulka, of Sector 001. He was elected and assumed duties on 1 April 1997 (no joke!), after Universal President Seth Robison stepped down.

Psi Phi's first Universal President was Seth Robison. He was elected to office on April 17, 1996 by the members of the Bradley University Sector of Psi Phi. He was re-elected 31 October 1997, and began his second term 7 November 1997. He stepped down 29 January 1997, citing conflict-of-interests.

Universal Vice President

Psi Phi's first Universal Vice President is Peter C. Jones. He was elected to office on April 17, 1996 by the members of the Bradley University Sector of Psi Phi. He was re-elected 31 October 1997 by the Sector Representatives of the Psi Phi Federation, and began his second term 7 November 1997.

Universal Treasurer

Psi Phi's first Universal Treasurer is Erinn Lineback. She was elected to office on April 17, 1996 by the members of the Bradley University Sector of Psi Phi. The October 1997 High Council election by the Sector Representatives resulted in her returning for a second term.

Chief Engineer

Psi Phi's first Chief Engineer is David Henderson. He was elected to office on April 17, 1996 by the members of the Bradley University Sector of Psi Phi. As the trend would predict, he too was re-elected in October 1997.
Federation / Sector 001