ITEMS DVD Descriptions

Population Six Billion

With 10,000 children born per hour, 80 million per year, the human population on Earth surpassed the 6 billion mark in 1999. As resources of every kind get spread thinner and thinner, how will the impoverished people of Africa, Asia, and Latin America survive? And how much longer will it be before their urgent plight devastates Western society? This program thoroughly addresses the grim realities of life in third-world nations while providing case studies of population control initiatives in Vietnam, Uganda, and Mexico that include family planning, HIV/AIDS testing and counseling, and sex education. 58 minutes / color / DVD

Global Warming: Hype or Hazard?

When it comes to global warming, Bjorn Lomborg is a skeptical ecologist, a one-time Greenpeace member who is now at odds with the organization. Why? Though Greenpeace is trusted by 70 to 80 percent of people to be more accurate than government scientists and agencies, and even university researches, Lomborg charges that it receives all its information from the media. Over a dozen scientists and researchers are featured in this provocative program that uses hard evidence to counter the alleged sensationalism in the media's coverage of global warming. The scientists do not deny that they planet is getting warmer, but argue that the money and time invested by those who subscribe to the hype-billions of dollars to implement the Kyoto Protocol for a temperature reduction of 0.15 degrees by the year 2100-can be better spent tackling more concrete and rapidly spreading environmental issues 45 minutes / color / DVD

Alternative Power Sources and Renewable Energy

This program demonstrates how wind turbines, solar cells, hybrid automobiles, and coal gasification plants are befinning to transform the way the world is powered. The U.S. Secretary of Energy, the director of the National Wind Technology Center, the CEO of Enron Wind Corporation, representatives of Worldwatch Institute and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and otheres discuss the challenge of satisfying the rapidly increasing global demand for energy while developing environmentally friendly forms of power generation to reduce air pollution and lessen the threat of global warming 22min

War Against Deadly Microbes and Lethal Viruses

This eye-opening program delves into humanity's war with lethal microorganisms and viruses. Astoundingly detailed images by medical photographer Lennart Nilsson illuminate how microbes attack the body and how our immune systems defend it. Reenactments of remarkable medical discoveries -- penicillin, blood groups, methods of malaria control, and the olio vaccine -- are portrayed, and cutting-edge stem cell research is discussed. The rapid speed with which the SARS virus spread around the globe is also investigated. Leading immunologist Robert Gallo urges awareness to prevent these mounting threats...AIDS and SARS will not be the last new diseases to endanger humans. (53 mins, color)