Psi Phi pages, out of all pages

% Bytes % Reqs   Bytes Sent  Requests   Portion of Transfers
------- ------- ------------ -------- |--------------------------------
 90.11%  69.55%   1364758975   106510 | Non-Psi Phi Accesses
  9.63%  23.58%    145899691    36119 | Psi Phi Accesses
   .25%   6.85%      3840353    10493 | Errors (redirects, not founds)
100.00% 100.00%   1514499019   153122 | Total for

Psi Phi pages, by section

% Bytes % Reqs   Bytes Sent  Requests   Psi Phi Seections
------- ------- ------------ -------- |--------------------------------
  2.68%   1.49%     3918066      542  | Psi Phi
                    1775853      224  |     TOC
                    2142213      318  |     other
 40.44%  17.95%    59005560     6486  | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
                   36101407     2150  |     Rules and TOC
                   22904153     4336  |     other
 30.10%  64.00%    43917730    23117  | Images
 26.77%  16.53%    39058335     5974  | Star Trek: Voyager
                   22278046     2195  |     TOC and Rumors
                   16780289     3779  |     other
100.00% 100.00%   145899691    36119  | Totals