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   By Laws
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Bradley University



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Bradley University

Association of Residence Halls By-Laws


Article I
Committee Chairs 

            Standing Committees shall be all committees that are active throughout the academic year and may be formed at the discretion of the elected officers. The chairperson of each committee will be appointed by majority approval of the elected Officers. Committees may consist of, but are not limited to, the following: 

A. Publicity
    1) Shall be responsible for increasing public awareness of ARH and its functions and activities.
B. Food Service
    1) Shall meet consistently, and at the convenience of, the Director of Food Service.
    3) Assist Food Services whenever called upon, including food surveys and the food ball.
    4) Coordinate food for ARH sponsored events.

C. Special Events
    1) Shall oversee social, educational and philanthropy programs and activities for residents.

D. Fundraising
    1) Shall raise funds for the general use of ARH, primarily through the finals baskets program.

E. Diversity
    1) Shall work to expand cultural horizons through social, educational, and philanthropic programs.

F. Housing/Recycling
    1) Shall bring the concerns of the residents to the attention of the Director of Housing, and/or the Director of  Residential Life
    2) Have an active roll in recycling on Bradley University’s campus.

G. Campus Outreach
    1) Shall be responsible for maintaining open lines of communication with other Student Organizations, specifically being a liaison between Student Senate and ARH.


Article II

A. Elections for Executive Office will be overseen and administered by current ARH Advisors. 

B. Nominations for Executive Office shall be open to all on-campus residents having paid their ARH activity fee, and Residential Life Staff. 

C. The election process will be initiated by current ARH Advisors and consist of the following. 

1. ARH Advisors will be required to hold an ARH information session. The information session shall be open to all eligible candidates, and shall include an explanation of the organization and all open positions. The nomination process will be opened following the close of the information session, and shall remain open for a time period specified by ARH Advisors. Campaigning is at the discretion of the candidates. 

2. The nomination period may be extended at the discretion of the Advisors. 

3. No new nominations will take place after the close of the nomination process.  

4. Candidates may nominate themselves or be nominated for a position. Those candidates nominated for a position have the choice of accepting or declining the nomination. 

D. The Advisors shall announce a voting session, attendance shall be required by all candidates, ARH Executive members, ARH Representatives, and elected Hall Council Officers. 

1. Candidates shall be required to prepare and present speeches not to exceed five minutes at the voting session.  

2. There shall be a question and answer portion following the speeches of each position not to exceed five minutes per candidate. 

3. The time limit for the question and answer session may be extended, up to an additional five minutes, by a majority vote of the General Assembly.  

4. Advisors will mediate the session in a structured manner, seeing that time limits are honored. 

E. The Advisors will administer voting ballots, to be passed out at the end of candidate speeches and question and answer session. The voting process will take place as follows. 

1. ARH Officers and Committee Chairs will cast a ballot carrying the weight of three votes.  

2. ARH Representatives will cast a ballot carrying the weight of two votes. 

3. Each Hall Council Officer will cast a ballot carrying the weight of one vote. 

4. Ballots are to be collected and counted by the ARH Advisors. In the unlikely event of a tie, and a run-off proves unsuccessful, ARH will defer to the procedures established by the ARH Advisors.  

5. The winning candidates shall be announced immediately following the close of the voting session, or at the earliest convenience of the ARH Advisors.  

6. The new elected ARH Officer Board will be allowed to sit in on all current ARH executive meetings to aid in transitioning them to the new positions.  

7. No person holding a position on ARH shall hold any concurrent positions on ARH or Hall Council.  

8. At the close of the last General Assembly meeting of the academic year, the Advisors will swear in the new Officers, at which time the current Officers will step down. The Oath of Office shall be: 

            "I, (state full name), do solemnly swear that I will uphold and support the Constitution of the Association of Residence Halls at Bradley University; and I will faithfully execute the duties of the office incumbent upon me, in the best interests of the residents." 

F. Election complaints must be lodged no later than three days following the announcement of the new Officers. Any voting member of the election process may lodge a complaint, to be heard by an elections review committee. 

1. The committee will consist of current ARH Advisors who will chair the committee, and three members deemed impartial, selected by the Advisors, from the General Assembly. 

2. The committee will review all election code, by-laws, and constitutional procedures. 

3. All decisions reached by the committee will be final, and may not be contested.


Article III
Impeachment and Removal  

A. Officers or Committee Chairs may resign at any time provided an explanation is presented orally to the General Assembly. 

B. Officers or Committee Chairs may be impeached at any time. 

1. Acceptable reasons for impeachment include, but are not limited to, misconduct and / or incompetence.  

2. In the event an ARH Representative is found to be guilty of the reasons set forth in Article III, Section B, Part 1, a formal complaint shall be brought to the respective Hall Council Advisor. Removal of ARH Representatives is at the discretion of the Hall Council.           

3. In the event a Residential Life Staff Advisor has met said requirements for impeachment; the President shall bring formal complaints to the Faculty Advisor. 

C. In the event an ARH Representative is found to be guilty of the reasons set forth in Article III, Section B, Part 1, a formal complaint shall be brought to the respective Hall Council Head Advisor.  Removal of ARH Representatives is at the discretion of the Hall Council.

D. The process for impeachment shall consist of: 

1. A written statement of alleged misconduct, signed and witnessed by at least two parties, shall be brought to the attention of the Vice - President, or if necessary, the President. The charges will be brought before the General Assembly.  

2. Any Officer or Committee Chair shall have the opportunity to address the General Assembly in defense of stated allegations, after which the member facing impeachment shall be excused for the duration of the meeting.  

3. An anonymous vote of the General Assembly shall be commenced, deemed successful by a two-thirds majority, at which point the General Assembly shall determine a course of action. 

4. The General Assembly shall decide, by a two-thirds vote, the punishment the impeached member shall receive. The maximum punishment will be removal from office. 


Article IV
Amendment Process 

A. Changes to the organization by-laws may happen at anytime provided the following requirements are met:

 1.      The person(s) proposing the Amendment shall provide a written copy of the proposed Amendment for each voting member of ARH. 

2.      The person(s) proposing the Amendment will present the Amendment orally to the General Assembly.

3.      Amendments must pass a vote of two-thirds of voting members present.

 4.      A copy of the updated by-laws shall be kept along with the updated copy of the Constitution in the ARH Office.


Last Amended 11/01/2004

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  Send mail to jdmugford@bradley.edu with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004 Bradley University Association of Residence Halls