Theta Xi Fraternity



Crest of Theta Xi

Statements of Position

Our Statements of Position are ideals which the Members of Theta Xi hold in the highest regard. They are the moral principles by which the brotherhood acts in it's everyday activities.

Theta Xi Fraternity
Statement of Position
Hazing and Pre-initiation Activities

WHEREAS, Theta Xi Fraternity has maintained, since unanimously adopting a resolution at its Sixty-fifth Annual Convention in San Francisco, that associate member and member education and inspirational programs should be of a positive and constructive nature and has been unequivocally opposed to hazing and pre-initiation activities because they do not add positively to the associate member's or member's understanding of the history, ideals, traditions, principles, and / or Ritual of Theta Xi Fraternity.

FURTHER, the Fraternity has publicly stated its position in the Constitution and By-Laws of this Organization and by fully supporting the National Interfraternity Conference's "Resolution Against Hazing" and the Fraternity Executives Association's "Statement of Position on Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities."

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Theta Xi Fraternity hereby reaffirms its traditional stance against hazing and unconstructive pre-initiation activities with the following statements:

The Fraternity believes in the ideals and principles stated in the Fraternity Executives Association "Statement of Position on Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities." The Fraternity further believes that hazing and unconstructive pre-initiation activities are antithetical to the ideals, traditions, and principles of the Fraternity as well as being antithetical to the concept of fraternalism. The Fraternity defines hazing as "Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatique, physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the reglations and policies of the educational institution."

Adopted August 11, 1984
Revised August 6, 1988

Theta Xi Fraternity
Statement of Position
Controlled Substances

HOLDING THE FIRM BELIEF that the use of controlled substances inhibits an individual from reaching his full potential, Theta Xi Fraternity beleives that the use of controlled substances is contrary to each of the Purposes of Theta Xi and hinders any member in his Quest for Theta Xi.

FURTHER, the Fraternity can and must legislate the social behavior of its members while on Theta Xi chapter property or Theta Xi chapter sponsored events.

THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Theta Xi Fraternity that the following policies be adopted and recommended to its chapters for their adoption:

  1. That the possession, use, or sale of controlled substances on the premise of any chapter or at any entertainment or function of any chapter shall be prohibited.
  2. That chapters shall develop programs and support those groups and organizations seeking to educate chapter members about controlled substances.
  3. That controlled substances shall be defined as any "drug or their substance, or immediate precursor, incuded in schedule I, II, III, IV, or V of Part B in Section 802 of Title 21 of the U.S. Code (Controlled Substance Act). The term does not include distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages, or tobacco, as those terms are defined or used in subtitled E of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954."
    1. Adopted August 11, 1984

Theta Xi Fraternity
Statement of Position
Use of Alcohol

THETA XI FRATERNITY, recognizing the dangers associated with the misuse and abuse of alcohol, fully endorses the National Interfraternity Conference's "Resolution on Alcohol" passed by the House of Delegates at its 1983 Annual Meeting.

BECAUSE the use of alcohol is ingrained in society and because its misuse and abuse is becoming more apparent, Theta Xi Fraternity hereby states its position on the use of alcohol.

The Fraternity believes that the misuse and abuse of alcohol is inconsistent with each of the seven Purposes of Theta Xi and hinders any member in his Quest for Theta Xi.

The Fraternity further believes that we are our Brother's Keeper and recommends that each member acts responsibly.

The Fraternity further believes that alcohol, when used responsibly, has a rightful place in society and hereby sets these juidelines for the responsible use of alcohol by Theta Xi Fraternity:

  • That the possession, use, sale and / or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises of any chapter or at any entertainment or function of any chapter shall be compliance with all applicable laws.
  • That all rush activities associated with any chapter be non-alcoholic.
  • That all membership education programs and activities be non-alcoholic.
  • That no chapter co-sponsor or co-finance a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations.
  • That moderation be encouraged during lawful consumption, and that chapters develop and support programs and those groups and organizations working to educate chapter members on alcohol awareness.
  • That no member shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in "drinking games".

Adopted August 11, 1984
Revised August 6, 1988

Theta Xi Fraternity
Statement of Position
Risk Management

THETA XI FRATERNITY, holds the firm belief that in regards to protecting the health and safety of each of our members and guests, all members share equal responsibility bases on the concept and philosophy that we are "each our Brother's keeper."

GIVEN, the demands for responsible behavior placed on each of us by our Fraternity's beliefs and principles, college and university administrators' standards, and the expectations of our society as a whole, the concept of risk management as an inherent ingredient of all Theta Xi chapter programs must become the standard by which all chapters and alumni groups operate.

FOR ALL THESE REASONS, Theta Xi Fraternity hereby states its position on "risk management" as follows:

  • All chapters and colonies shall adopt a risk management program.
  • - The risk management program adopted shall, as a minimum, meet all standards of the Theta Xi Fraternity and revised from time to time.
  • - An educational module on the subject of Fraternity and chapter risk management programs and policies shall be offered to all members of each chapter and colony on at least an annual basis.

Adopted August 6, 1988

Theta Xi Fraternity
Statement of Position
Fraternity Values

WHEREAS, each member of Theta Xi is charged with the responsibility to advance the high ideals of the Fraternity and uphold its standard of excellence; and

WHEREAS, it is the Fraternity's goal to advance these ideals by positively enhancing the development of its members with high-quality, personally relevant experiences; and

WHEREAS Theta Xi Fraternity supports the belief that the fraternity experience should be designed to bond members together without sacrificing anyone's personal identity; and

WHEREAS, the membership of Theta Xi through leadership at national and regional meetings has identfied basic Fraternity values;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that consistent with the Ritual, the Constitution and By-Laws and the Purpose of the Fraternity, the members of Theta Xi, in each and every aspect of their fraternity experience, shall be guided by and promote to all fellow members these ten basic values and expectations:

    Demonstrates a commitment to developing meaningful and lasting friendships.
    Accept accountability for one's decisions, behavior, obligations, and commitments.
    Develop confidence in personal abilities and take pride in oneself.
    Be honest and fair in conduct with oneself and others.
    Show appreciation and concern for the worth of others.
    Demonstrate a commitment to academic success and intellectual curiosity.
    Recognize and appreciate the value of different ideas, opinions, and cultures.
    Reach out actively to support those in need of assistance.
    Accomplich tasks based on previously established goals.
    Develop an ability to foster teamwork to mobilize effort to achieve common fraternity, campus, and community goals.

Adopted August 13, 1989

Theta Xi Fraternity
Statement of Position
Human Dignity

THETA XI FRATERNITY holds the firm belief that it is the mutual responsibility of the Fraternity, its capters and each member to respect and protect the dignity of all human beings. Four key factors are directly or indirectely associated with the degradation of others in Fraternities: substance abuse, sexism, racism, and hazing.

WHEREAS, Theta Xi, in its Purpose, Statements of Position, and programs, has shown a belief in the integrity and dignity of all human beings. This should manifest itself in a mutual respect for ourselves and others, and

WHEREAS, Sexual conduct, attitudes toward women, and the consumption of alcohol are all, to some degree, interrelated, since excessive drinking contributes significantly to inappropriate sexual behavior and frequently fosters demeaning attitudes toward women, and

WHEREAS, Racism and hazing, in addition to sexism, stem from a basic lack of respect for the dignity and understanding of other human beings, and

WHEREAS, Excessive drinking and the use of controlled substances show a basic lack of respect for one's own dignity and a lack of concern for potential negative effects on others.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Theta Xi Fraternity hereby states its position on human dignity as follows:

  • Theta Xi Chapters and individual members shall not tolerate sexual abuse - emotional, verbal, or physical - of women, shall neigher condone nor participate in hazing activities, shall respect the integrity of those of different religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical ability, or political belief; and
  • Theta Xi Chapters shall operate within the guidelines of the Fraternity's Statements of Position on Alcohol, Controlled Substances, Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities, Risk Management, Fraternity Values and other subsequently-adopted Statements of Position; and
  • Theta Xi Chapters shall abide by and enforce the Fraternity's Risk Management Policy and individually adopt policies and procedures reinforcing Fraternity statements and policies regarding all of these matters.

Adopted August 2, 1991 by the 127th Anniversary Convention

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1317 W. Fredonia
Peoria, IL 61606
Last updated: 5/31/99
©1999 Alpha Sigma Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity
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